The CATCOP has five (5) components which are described and detailed below:
Improvement of UVF Runway Safety and Resilience (US$32.5 million).
This component will improve the operational safety and flood disaster resilience of the runway at UVF, the most critical piece of aviation infrastructure, and it will support Saint Lucia to comply with ICAO’s SARPs. This component would finance, among others: (a) rehabilitation of the UVF runway; (b) upgrade of marking and installation of energy-efficient light-emitting diode (LED) lighting system on the runway; (c) construction of paved stopways and RESAs; (d) improvement of airfield drainage; (e) improvement of Crash Fire Rescue (CFR) facilities; and (f) technical assistances related to these civil works, including engineering design and supervision and social and environmental safeguard activities. The civil works to be financed under Component 1 would integrate resilience enhancement measures to the maximum extent practicable (for example, through appropriate choice of materials and design of enhanced drainage features).
Modernization of Air Navigation Systems (US$4 million)
This component will improve air traffic safety and efficiency as well as strengthen resilience for air traffic navigation during bad weather through the modernization of air navigation systems. This component would finance among others: (a) installation of an ILS at UVF; (b) installation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), at both UVF and SLU airports, including one or more ground stations, a receiver antenna, air traffic control tower monitors, and onboard transmitters for Saint Lucia-based aircrafts, all of which are helicopters; and (c) relevant technical assistance, including preparation of ILS procedure design and specifications, designing of ADS-B receiver antenna siting, and upgrading of UVF aeronautical charts.
Institutional Strengthening (US$4.5 million)
This component aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of the GoSL in managing, developing, operating, and overseeing their airports and air transport operations through a combination of regional and Saint Lucia’s specific technical assistance activities. This component would finance among others: (a) a review and gap analysis of institutional and operational management of the airports in Saint Lucia; (b) capacity building in the areas of air traffic control and airport management, including natural disaster and climate change resilience, response to health crisis, and air traffic safety and security oversight; (c) promotion of female professionals’ opportunities, including a gap analysis, recruitment action plan, and training specialized for potential female professionals on airport operation and management such as air traffic control, as well as professional development for existing female staff; (d) preparation of a medium-term recovery strategy from the COVID-19 crisis; and (e) assessment on use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones). While the main beneficiaries will be SLASPA, most of these activities will be closely coordinated with the Division of Civil Aviation under the Ministry of Economy and ECCAA, as they would be beneficiaries of the component as well. All capacity building, knowledge sharing and technical assistance activities will be designed in the context of COVID-19, taking into consideration health requirements (such as social distancing and health screening) in line with national and international agencies’ protocols.
Capacity building on air traffic control and airport management will be implemented in coordination with other CATCOP countries. The regional training program will be prepared by all the CATCOP countries and the training sessions will be conducted at the same location to enhance a synergy of the regional approach. The training program will be co-financed by all the CATCOP projects and the project will cover costs associated with Saint Lucia’s participation.
Capacity building on air traffic control and airport management will be implemented in coordination with other CATCOP countries. The regional training program will be prepared by all the CATCOP countries and the training sessions will be conducted at the same location to enhance a synergy of the regional approach. The training program will be co-financed by all the CATCOP projects and the project will cover costs associated with Saint Lucia’s participation.
Project Management (US$4 million)
The component will finance hiring of technical specialists on project management, safeguards, procurement, financial management (FM), engineering, and M&E for a dedicated Project Implementation Unit (PIU). The component would also include, among others: (a) upgrading the project financial management system so that it can facilitate the recording, control, and reporting of project transactions; (b) hiring an international procurement consultant to support SLASPA at key stages of the procurement process, and (c) annual external audits for the project-related expenditures. The PIU’s responsibilities will also include: (a) overseeing and directing Project implementation; (b) procuring the services of contractors and managing/supervising construction and rehabilitation works; (c) disbursing funds and ensuring proper use and accounting of funds disbursed; (d) regular reporting to SLASPA, the Government of Saint Lucia and the World Bank on Project implementation; and (e) ensuring compliance of the Project with environmental and social safeguards of the World Bank as well as national environmental laws and regulations.
The PIU will be staffed by a team of recruited individual consultants as follows:
• Project Manager
• Environmental & Social Specialist
• Procurement Officer
• Air Navigation Specialist
• Airport Structural Specialist
• Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist
Contingent Emergency Response (US$0 million)
This component will provide immediate response to an eligible crisis or emergency, as needed. As such, in the event of such eligible emergency as defined in the Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) annex to the Project Operations Manual (POM), and at the request of the Government, the component would finance emergency activities and expenditures through the reallocation of funds from the project.
Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers (July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018) (Procurement Regulations), and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined in the Procurement Regulations. After project negotiations, the World Bank shall arrange the publication on its external website of the agreed initial procurement plan and all subsequent updates once it has provided a no objection.
Specific procurement notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank’s international competitive procurement will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business and on Linkedin and Devex (Individual Consultants), local newspaper- the Voice, and via link to the government of Saint Lucia Website: and the Saint Lucia Air and Sea Ports Authority Website:
Prequalification/Initial Selection of suppliers and contractors will be required for the following contracts [none]
Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works, non-consulting services, and consulting services for the above-mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Borrower at the address below:
Through phased-in approaches, all these areas will be augmented—to enhance already commissioned works on these existing facilities.